Revolution 4.0 : industrial or societal? It’s time for good Tech !

A revolution is a fundamental and sudden change that encompasses global events and multiple perspectives. For the time being, our world appears to be driven by industry productivity.
After mechanization, electrification, and automation, the fourth industrial revolution is characterized by a high level of digitalization, with cyber and physical systems becoming increasingly intertwined and intelligent due to dynamic data processing. From 2015, we have observed a rapid change in technology, industries, and societal patterns, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, Metaverses, IT and OT (Operational Technology) convergence, advanced robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
This revolution also represents a change in social, political and economic terms, as we enter an augmented social reality. In addition, we are seeing the emergence of the understanding that productivity is not the only solution for human evolution. Sustainability has become a new Key Performance Indicator.
As an engineer, I am passionate about new technologies and about analyzing the process of human evolution. Tech is good but Tech for good is better.
#timefortheplanet #capgemini and other companies are working on this global revolution, but what are your preferred concrete solutions?